The Bexhill Trust

Welcome to the Bexhill Trust, a charitable organisation that supports a range of people and organisations within our Town.

Bexhill coat of arms

What is the Bexhill Trust?

The Bexhill Trust is a locally administered charitable fund that dates back to 1917. The Founders of the trust set out three clear aims, and these still remain in place today;

  • to relieve poverty
  • advance education
  • to support the charitable objectives of groups that in turn supported the local community of Bexhill

Who manages the fund?

The fund is administered by a group of Trustees, who can number up to nine at any one time. The Trustees are nominated by Bexhill Town Council and the sitting Mayor and Deputy Mayor have an automatic place as Trustees for their time in office.

Image of Bexhill seafront

General Information

The Trust was formed in 1917 following a donation of funding from a local individual and Trustees were assigned to administer the money for the purposes laid out in the original Trust Deed. The Deed was created around the conditions that were set out on how the money could be spent. These conditions are still in place today.

The Trust is only permitted to fund individuals or organisations that are within Bexhill On Sea and must meet one of three criteria laid down.

  • For the relief of poverty
  • For the advancement of education
  • For any other charitable objects of general public utility



The Trustees formally meet four times a year, in October, January, April and July, however additional meetings are called as and when the need arises. A list of up-to-date scheduled dates is available from the clerk.


The meetings held by the Trustees are not public and members of the public cannot attend unless invited or a request is made in advance to the clerk (Minimum of 72 hours prior to the meeting). If a request to attend a meeting is made the person will be invited if the Trustees deem it as suitable for them to attend.


The Trustees are nominated by Bexhill Town Council, a total of seven people at any one time can be trustees. Trustees are appointed for five-year terms and can serve more than one term if they are nominated. Also, the Mayor and Deputy Mayor are automatically appointed as ex-officio Trustees for their term in service. This means they attend the meetings; however, they are not permitted to vote on applications.

Trustee Details

The current Trustees of the Bexhill Trust are:

Cllr Brian Drayson - Bexhill Town Council and Rother District Council, Bexhill Kewhurst Ward

Cllr Sarah Errington - Rother District Council - Bexhill St Marks Ward

Cllr Viv Taylor-Gee – Bexhill Town Council – Bexhill Central Ward

Cllr Elly Gibson – Bexhill Town Council - Bexhill Sackville Ward

Martin Kenward – Former Cllr for Rother District Council

Annual Report

Annual Report


Contact Us

The Trust employs a clerk to administer the general day to day running of the organisation and to be the main contact for any enquiries, their contact details are as follows:

Name: Brian Drayson


The Bexhill Trust
C/O 19 Woodville Road
Bexhill on Sea
TN39 3ET

Image of Bexhill town hall

What do we fund?

The Trust accepts funding applications from any individual or organisation within Bexhill on Sea that can demonstrate a need that matches any of the three aims the Founders set out.

Over the years projects that have been supported include sports equipment for local clubs, emergency funding for vulnerable people in need of basic items for their homes, significant investment in charitable organisations that support large numbers of our community as well as down to small grants that have assisted young people to take part in life changing experiences.

The Trust looks to fund those things that other organisations and grants do not generally cover.

How to Apply

To apply, your organisation or you as an individual must live or operate within the town of Bexhill on Sea and have been within the town for a minimum of six months. Application forms, along with guidance can be downloaded from the website, or you can email the Trust at and a paper form can be sent out in the post.

Individual Applications Applications for Organisations Guidance